June’s inflation in Latvia higher than average in EU, but still far from the “leader”

This June inflation in Latvia (8.1%) was higher than the average in the European Union (EU) and Eurozone, according to data published by Eurostat on Wednesday, the 19th of July.
Inflation was the highest in Hungary* (19.9%).
This country is followed by Slovakia (11.3%), Czechia* (11.5%), Poland* (11%), Romania* (9.3%), Estonia (9%), Croatia (8.3%) and Lithuania (8.2%). [Countries with * are not part of Eurozone].

Last month inflation was the lowest in Luxembourg (1%),

as well as Belgium and Spain (1.6% in both).
In June, when compared with the sixth month of 2022, consumer price growth was registered in all EU member states. The average inflation in June was 6.4% in the EU and 5.5% in Eurozone.
When compared with May, consumer prices in both the EU and Eurozone have gone up by 0.3%.
In Latvia, when compared with May, consumer prices when down by 1.4% in June,

which was the biggest deflation in a month observed in the EU.

Deflation was also observed in Holland (-0.05%), Finland (-0.2%), as well as Belgium and Lithuania (-0.1% in both).
The biggest consumer price increase was in Croatia (1.6%), Malta (1.5%), Sweden (1%), Greece and Slovenia (0.9% in both), as well as Estonia and Ireland (0.8% in both).
Also read: OPINION | rays of deflation are breaking through the fog of data