Women in Latvia earn only 83 cents for every one euro earned by men

The average gross hourly earnings of women in Latvia in 2022 were 17.1% lower than earnings of men, as reported by the Gender Equality report from the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.
CSP data indicates that in 2022 for every euro earned by a man, a woman earned 83 cents.
In 2022 the difference between men and women pay-wise was the smallest among youngsters or residents under the age of 25 years (11.1%) and seniors or residents aged 65 years or older (11%).

The wage of women employed part-time is 12.4% below those of men. The difference between full-time employed men and women was 20%.

CSP notes that the difference in pay between men and women is also observed in pension amounts: in 2022 men’s pension amounts were 11.3% larger than women’s pension amounts. The average pension amount paid to men last year was EUR 481.96 and to women it was EUR 433.22 a month.
CSP also notes that because of inequality in pay and pension amounts, women are subjected to the risk of poverty more than men. According to results of a public survey on income and living conditions, in 2021 a total of 25.2% of women and 19.4% of men were subjected to the risk of poverty.
According to CSP, this difference also comes from the fact that among seniors aged 65 or older, there are a lot more women than men. Women live for longer and are more dependent on their old age pension, which is usually smaller than old age pension paid to men. This is why the number of women at risk of poverty after the age of 65 is larger than men: 45.6% of women and 30.2% of men.
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