Weather in Latvia to be cloudy and rainy this weekend

On Friday, the 5th of April, and Saturday weather will be mostly cloudy and rainy. Wet snow may appear alongside rain in many places, according to Latvian State Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
Strong wind is expected during the day on Friday. On Saturday the wind will calm down; fog may appear in certain regions. Friday night will pass with low air temperature (+1° C… +3° C) in most of Latvia.
Daytime air temperature will reach +4° C… +9° C. In northern parts of the country, however, air temperature will be a couple of degrees lower. On Saturday night air temperature will be +2° C… +5° C, whereas daytime air temperature will be +4° C… +10° C.
Meteorologists say that although Sunday night will be cold, the day will be much warmer. Air temperature at night will go down to -1° C… +5° C, whereas daytime air temperature will reach +15° C… +19° C. No major precipitation is expected at night or during the day.
Current forecasts suggest air temperature will keep going up in the first half of the week – nights will no longer be as cold and air temperature may reach +20° C again.
Although some rain is expected at times, there will not be a lot of precipitation in the first half of the week. It is possible weather conditions will be dictated by cyclone activity in the second half of the week – wind speed will go up, there will be more rain and air temperature will go down, meteorologists say.
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