Survey shows 60% of employed people sometimes have to work during vacation

Among 60% of respondents who still work while on vacation, 36% say they do it regularly. 49% of them are motorists. 24% of respondents said they work during vacation only in the event of an emergency, according to results of a survey carried out in June by Norstat for the needs of Citadele Bank.
On top of that,

27% of respondents say they are not bothered by their employer while on vacation.

These people are mostly (33%) young people aged 18 to 29 years, as well as people doing manual labour – 48%.
“Employers have to look for solutions to ensure work can continue in the absence of seemingly irreplaceable employees, as well as ensure employees can actually rest during their vacation. For example, here in Citadele Bank we have adopted a system in which employees have limited access to the bank’s IT systems during their annual vacation. This not only helps workers “disconnect” from work during vacation but also provide managers an opportunity to review replacement options,” Citadele Bank HR Manager Liene Grūtupa praised her job in a press-statement.
Results of the survey shows that 2% of respondents were asked to back to work in an emergency that appeared during their vacation but had refused. Every tenth respondent said their job description makes it impossible to work remotely during vacation.
The survey interviewed 1 010 internet users aged 18 to 74 years.
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