Specialists of the Nature Protection Office (DAP) together with the State Forest Service and State Border Guards have surveyed the fence set up on the Latvian-Belarusian border in order to develop accurate solutions to prevent animal injuries and death from the fence.
«Animals have migration trails that cross state borders. We have surveyed areas and we’ve found the fence obstructs animals’ trails. We have also found signs of animals attempting to cross the border and the fence. Smaller animals are more successful, but they also get injured in the process. For larger animals, such as elk and deer, this fence is a serious obstacle. Some turn away and look for a different path, some risk with different results – some get injured and some get trapper in the fence,» explains DAP Latgale region administration director Anda Zeize.
Considering the findings, DAP will prepare recommendations for the State Border Guard to reduce the risk of animal injuries and death on the border.
One of the possible solutions is creating special corridors in certain areas close to animals’ existing migration trails.
The other alternative is using sound to scare animals away.
«We are happy with acceptance and openness from the State Border Guard. All of us understand very well that this is a temporary solution for the duration of the state of emergency. We plan to provide the State Border Guard with recommendations for the best possible solution,» said Zeize.
Solutions proposed to prevent animal deaths from the fence set along the Latvian border