Riga resists plans from Ministry of Health to change traumatology patient care

Riga municipality still has not provided the Ministry of Health with a response to the ministry’s plans to change traumatology patient care, as LETA was told by Riga City Council.
Next week Minister of Health Hosams Abu Meri and Riga City Council’s Social Affairs Committee chairman Juris Radzevičs will visit Riga 2nd Hospital and Riga Maternity Hospital to observe the situation in both medical institutions, meet with the staff and hear their opinions.
Riga municipality plans to continue the constructive dialogue with the ministry in order to secure the best possible solution for workers and patients. The most important factor for Riga City Council is service accessibility. This coincides with the ministry’s goals.

As previously reported, the Ministry of Health has turned to Riga municipality, inviting the council to significantly change traumatology patient care in Riga.

According to minister Abu Meri, it is necessary to develop state-paid traumatology and orthopaedic services at P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital and Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital.
The minister believes that it is necessary to resolve health care service planning in Riga and in the territory of Riga, as well as the problem of providing primarily necessary care for patients with chronic diseases.
The Ministry of Health explained to LETA the reform offer with the fact that traumatology and orthopaedics patients are demanding a “complex treatment approach, providing rapid and effective diagnosis, treatment and appropriate specialization, as well as early rehabilitation”.
Latvian Hospital Association (LSB) comments that it does not agree with the ministry’s previous statement about the Traumatology and Orthopaedic Hospital and Riga Maternity Hospital allegedly not meeting modern standards.
Also read: Minister: Riga Maternity Hospital does not meet modern standards
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