Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital to limit patient visits due to flu epidemic

On the 12th of January the Disease Prevention and Control Centre announced the start of a flu epidemic in Latvia and on the 16th of January Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital established certain restrictions for patient visits due to the epidemic.
To avoid putting at risk the health of colleagues, patients, family members and other people, the hospital urges residents to follow safety measures and avoid going outside if they show symptoms of illness. In such cases residents are urged to consider alternatives to visiting a medical institution, such as calling their family doctor home for a visit or getting a remote consultation, as reported by representatives of the hospital.
During an ongoing flu epidemic, residents should avoid crowded places and events. People should be especially careful when visiting medical institutions, such as polyclinics and hospitals.
On the 16th of January Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital adopted various restrictions on patient visits: during a flu epidemic, it is allowed to visit only seriously or critically ill patients with permission from the attending physician or the head of the department and while observing strict epidemiological safety measures.
Visitors showing any signs of an acute viral infection will not be allowed to visit patients.
These symptoms include: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, increased body temperature. Patients are allowed to be receive one visitor at a time. It is categorically forbidden to enter the wards while wearing outerwear. Visitors are also required to wear a face mask when staying in the hospital.
Doctors invite people who are scheduled to have a surgery during the period of flu epidemic and who are not vaccinated to be especially careful and follow safety and hygiene requirements to avoid infection, the hospital comments.
Infectologists add that the only reliable flu prevention measure is vaccination. “It is definitely recommended for patients suffering from chronic illnesses to get vaccinated, especially patients suffering from various cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung diseases, liver, kidney, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc. Those who stay daily and communicate in person with a large number of people, such as medical staff in medical institutions, should also be vaccinated against influenza.”
Also read: People in risk groups invited to vaccinate for flu and Covid-19
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