Riga brings back “snow tickets” and free public transport for motorists

On Tuesday, the 23rd of April, Riga decided to bring back “snow tickets” and free public transport services for motorists because of adverse weather conditions, as reported by Riga City Council representatives.
According to forecasts from Latvian State Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, heavy snowing continued on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Air temperature will go down as well. This is why Riga City Council decided to bring back “snow tickets”. On this day motorists will be able to use public transports – buses, trolleybuses and tramways – free of charge.
The city council notes that as air temperature goes down, roads will become icy. The thickness of the layer of snow may grow to up to 10 cm. Visibility will suffer as well, causing difficult driving conditions. All municipal services have been deployed to clear streets and pedestrian walkways of snow. However, to make their job easier and reduce traffic congestion, residents are urged to use public transports.

Considering that most of the cars are now fitted with summer tires, Riga municipality invites residents to be especially careful,

work remotely, if possible, use public transport services or plan out their trips in advance, as well as keep in mind that they may have to spend more time on the road than usual.
“Snow tickets” can be used by any adult person. All they need is their vehicles technical passport with them. Residents do not need to have their driver’s licence with them.
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