President: if the Iron Curtain drops, it should fall on Russia’s, not neighbouring countries’ borders

«The political weight of our region is also growing. Together with other Europeans we determine what are European interests, what are European values. This has also been clearly shown in the current Russian war against Ukraine,» said Latvia’s President Egils Levits in his opening speech of the Three Seas Summit on Monday, 20 June.
The seventh Three Seas Summit and fourth Business Forum will take place in Riga on Monday and Tuesday. At this event leaders of member states, the initiative’s strategic partners and representatives of the business and investment sectors will discuss ways to further develop the Three Seas Initiative and which projects to focus on. It is also planned to discuss ways to assist Ukraine recover after the war.

«The infrastructure needs on the North-South axis of the European Union are still enormous.

Stronger digital, transport and energy links along this axis are crucial for the cohesion of the European Union. The task of our gathering today and tomorrow in the business forum is to boost our strength in the three directions of our cooperation – energy, transport and digital,» Levits stressed in the opening speech.
According to him, «our energy connectivity has to be brought into sharper focus. If the climate change threats have not pushed us to act quickly enough, the Russia’s war against Ukraine did.»
The president also stressed that «the transportation routes within and throughout the Three Seas region create multiple new opportunities to consolidate our region and accelerate the North and South Axis. The high-speed Rail Baltica that will link us with Warsaw and beyond by 2026 is one of a few examples here. The current difficulties with exporting grain following the Black Sea blockade also highlight the rail connectivity improvements still to be made in Europe.»
«We appreciate the close strategic partnership with Germany, the US and the European Commission. The transatlantic relationship and the strong European identity are the two geopolitical pillars of the 3SI. Increased involvement of the US in the region through the Investment Fund will be a significant boost.Today we will also have an opportunity to discuss the possible wider cooperation of the Three Seas region with other like-minded states and organizations in Europe and across the globe,» Latvia’s president continued.

«Our needs are still manageable compared with the rebuilding that Ukraine will require after this war has ended

– in victory, I am sure. In our Summit discussion today, we will look for the best ways to connect Ukraine with the rest of Europe. I envisage a close partnership, given our neighbouring geographical position and our strong common values,» Levits added.
«Here I want to call for a positive decision at this week’s European Council to grant EU candidate status to Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine have shown incredible bravery and determination to fight for their freedom, for European values. If a new Iron Curtain is descending, it must land at Russia’s border, not across its neighbours. Today, Europe is incomplete without Ukraine,» President Egils Levits said, adding that European Union has rebuilt Europe after World War II, and after the Cold War, and that now it must continue this work for peace and freedom.