New Unity suggests increasing penalties for motorists who greatly exceed speed limits

The Saeima faction of New Unity (JV) reports that its members have prepared and have submitted to the legislator amendments to the Road Traffic Law. These amendments provide tighter penalties for greatly – by more than 60 km/h – exceeding speed limits.
It is mentioned in the statement that, based on information from the Road Traffic Safety Council, every year more than 500 motorists are penalised for exceeding speed limits by 60 km/h or more. As of the 23rd of July, authorities in Latvia there are already 72 deaths from various road traffic accidents registered this year. There are also more than 200 people who received severe injuries.
“Unfortunately, the existing fines do not ensure a preventive effect. This means that

it is necessary to review the established order.

Our proposal is increasing the fines and the period during which a person loses his or her driver’s licence,” Saeima Legal Affairs Committee and Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Punishment Policy chairman Andrejs Judins explains the legislative draft.
The legislative draft provides a penalty between EUR 720 and EUR 960 (instead of the current fine between EUR 240 and EUR 460) for exceeding speed limits by 61 km/h to 70 km/h. Amendments also suggest taking away driver’s licence for a period of 12 months instead of six.
For significantly exceeding the speed limit in a residential area, it is suggested to increase the fine from EUR 360 – EUR 460 to EUR 1 040 – EUR 1 400. Motorists are suggested to have their driver’s licence taken away for a period of 24 months instead of 12. If motorists exceed speed limits by more than 70 km/h – regardless of location or vehicle used – amendments suggest increasing the fine to EUR 2 000 with suspension of driver’s licence for a period of three years.
“The purpose of amendments is punishing motorists for irresponsible and dangerous behaviour on roads, when the permitted speed limit is greatly exceeded. This kind of nihilistic behaviour puts all road traffic participants’ health and safety at risk. Information reported by State Police reveals a shocking trend, that the existing penalties do not deter a large number of motorists from regularly and blatantly breaching speed limits, because those who commit such violations once will likely do it again,” says Saeima JV faction’s vice-chairman Agnese Krasta.
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