More than EUR 1.3 million paid in compensations for health problems in Latvia last year

In 2023, Medical Treatment Risk Fund made the decision to pay more than EUR 1.3 million in various compensations for health problems caused by medical treatment, as noted by the Health Inspectorate.
The fund reviewed applications from 172 people (146 the year prior). In 44 cases (37 the year prior) damage to human health was found but in 128 cases the fund rejected compensation requests.
The Health Inspectorate explains that if medical practitioners have caused harm to the health or life of the patient through their actions, or inaction, during the treatment, or circumstances during the treatment, the patient is entitled to compensation for the harm to health in accordance with the Patient Rights Law. The patient is also entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred for further necessary treatment in order to avoid the consequences of harm caused during treatment.
In 2023, the majority of the requests examined by the fund were in traumatology – a total of 34, where harm to patients’ health was found in eight cases. In surgery there were 22 claims, of which harm was found in seven cases, gynaecology and obstetrics dealt with 22 claims and damage was found in seven cases. A total of 20 claims were reviewed in dentistry, but harm was found in three cases, while 18 claims were reviewed in neurology and neurosurgery, and harm was found in five cases.
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