Minister: Latvia will not issue humanitarian or other visas to Russians fleeing mobilisation

Due to security considerations, Latvia will not issue humanitarian or other types of visas to Russian citizens fleeing mobilisation, Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkēvičs announced on Wednesday, 21 September.
The minister also reported that the border restrictions for Russian citizens with Schengen visas will not be lifted either.

Drošības apsvērumu dēļ Latvija neizsniegs humānās vai cita veida vīzas tiem Krievijas pilsoņiem, kuri izvairās no mobilizācijas, kā arī nemainīs kopš 19.septembra ieviestos robežšķērsošanas ierobežojumus Krievijas pilsoņiem ar Šengenas vīzām
— Edgars Rinkēvičs (@edgarsrinkevics) September 21, 2022

Following the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding partial mobilisation, Latvia’s Ministry of Defence announced that the level of threat to Latvia remains low regardless.
«Putin cannot accept the failures in the occupation plan for Ukraine that he initiated and on the battlefield. This is why he is prepared to escalate the situation with conventional threats, nuclear blackmail and other elements,» said minister Artis Pabriks, adding that Latvia closely works with NATO allies to provide continued monitoring and evaluation of the situation.
Like Rinkēvičs, Pabriks stresses that nothing will change in Latvia’s immigration policy after the announcement from the Russian president.

Arī pēc Putina nervozajiem lēmumiem nekas nemainīsies Latvijas imigrācijas politikā. Šeit netiks akceptēts Krievijas pilsoņu pieplūdums. Šo vēlreiz atgādinu tiem, kuri vai nu ir pārpratuši vai nevēlas dzirdēt manu pozīciju šajā jautājumā. Tātad, nepieņemsim Krievijas pilsoņus!
— Artis Pabriks (@Pabriks) September 21, 2022

«We won’t accept an influx of Russian citizens. I want to remind anyone who misheard or refuse to hear my position on this topic. We will not accept Russian citizens,» the minister wrote on Twitter.
More on this topic: Putin announces partial mobilisation and accuses the West of wanting to see Russia weakened