Men of working age – there are more than 40 000 alimony dodgers in Latvia

There are more than 40 000 men who are alimony dodgers in Latvia, as LTV programme Rīta panorāma was told by deputy state secretary to the Ministry of Finance Olga Bogdanova.
She stressed that these are men of working age. It is also clear they are unlikely to work or make ends meet with a minimal wage.

“This means this group of people actively look for ways to get envelope wages,” stressed Bogdanova.

To battle grey economy, it is also necessary to look into the reasons why people choose to become part of the grey economy, stressed Bogdanova.
LETA previously reported that in 2023 court bailiffs recovered EUR 11.54 million for the Maintenance Guarantee Fund.
Compared to previous years, the number of cases referred for enforcement and the volume of enforced payments went up in Latvia last year. When compared to previous years, the number of cases referred for enforcement went down last year, as did the volume of enforced payments. In total, court bailiffs managed to recover EUR 275.95 million in the interest of the state and other parties.
In 2023 there was a 9% drop of the number of cases referred to court bailiffs for enforcement – a total of 161 234 documents were submitted for enforcement. The largest category of cases, with 78 622 cases, was made up of civil cases, slightly behind the 76 392 cases concerning administrative offences. Decisions on property recovery in criminal procedures accounted for only 4% of the total volume of enforcement cases.
The volume of funds recovered through enforcement went down in all case categories. The biggest drop was for civil cases. Although the number of verdicts submitted for enforcement in civil cases went up in 2023 when compared to 2022 and 2021. However, the average debt amount per case went down considerably at the same time.
In 2022, the average amount of debt in the submitted enforcement documents for debt collection in civil cases was approximately EUR 6 285 (EUR 3 923 last year).
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