On Monday, 29 November, Riga Regional Court fined Jurmala Mayor Gatis Truksnis and head of the mayor’s bureau Ingrīda Vilkārse EUR 5 000 and EUR 2 500 respectively in the so-called mission criminal case.
The court reports that the regional court satisfied the prosecutor’s appeal and overturned the not guilty verdict Riga District Court issued in April.
The court of appeal instance made a new ruling, finding both of the accused guilty of the crimes they were charged with.
The ruling is subject to appeal once the full text of the ruling is available. Currently the term for the full ruling is 14 December.
Judge Irīna Jansone says «the court of appeal instance reviewed the evidence in the case differently than the court of first instance and declared them as sufficient for a guilty verdict».
Read also: Not guilty again. Court acquits Jurmala Mayor Gatis Truksnis in «mission» criminal case
As previously reported, the court of first instance could not find sufficient signs of the composition of the criminal offence for a guilty verdict.
According to official charges, the official, in an attempt to hide his absence from work, worked together with another official to compose a mission order. In it the two wrote false information and used this document as an excuse for the official’s absence from work.
The prosecution believes this document was handed to the accounting office of the institution the official in question works at.
Mayor of Jurmala fined EUR 5 000 in the «mission criminal case»