Latvia’s biggest taxpayer last year – LLC Orlen Latvija

The State Revenue Service (VID) has composed a list of 17 of Latvia’s biggest honest taxpayers of 2022. The leader of this list is Polish fuel retailer’s Latvian branch – LLC Orlen Latvija.
This company represents petrol processing company Orlen Lietuva in Latvia. Its owner is Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN. LLC Orlen Latvija is responsible for petrol products’ sales in Latvia.
In 2022 LLC Orlen Latvija’s turnover exceeded EUR 1 billion.

Last year Orlen Latvija paid a total of EUR 278.95 million in taxes.

This year VID issued a total of 15 prizes to the biggest labour force taxpayers in the large, medium and small businesses group in five regions of Latvia. The tradition of awarding taxpayers in Latvia has been active for twenty five years.
Last year the biggest labour force taxpayers in Riga and Riga region included international consultations, technological services and outsourcing company Accenture branch in Latvia in the large businesses group, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) AB Riga branch in the medium-sized businesses group, SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE in the small businesses group.
In Kurzeme the biggest labour force taxpayers included former Latvian presidential candidate Uldis Pīlēns’ construction company JSC UPB (in 2021 as well) in the large businesses group; Liepāja SIA Dzelzsbetons MB in the medium-sized businesses group, Grobiņi SIA A-Land in the small businesses group.
The biggest labour force taxpayers in Latgale of 2022 included LLC Light Guide Optics in the large businesses group, LLC LEAX RSEZ in the medium-sized businesses group, LLC SKAIDA PV in the small businesses group.
In Vidzeme the biggest labour force taxpayers in Vidzeme included JSC VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA (in 2021 too) in the large businesses group, AS STORA ENSO LATVIJA in the medium-sized businesses group and LLC Eko El in the small businesses group.
The biggest labour force taxpayers in Zemgale included LLC EAST METAL in the large businesses group, LATRAPS in the medium-sized businesses group and LLC ASP PLUSS in the small businesses group.
LLC E.GULBJA LABORATORIJA (founded in 1993) will receive its 30th award as one of the biggest labour force taxpayer from VID.
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