Chief of Latvian State Police Armands Ruks has turned to the organiser of Rododendrs event Aldis Gobzems and other people from different activist groups, urging them and others to refrain from organising different events involving crowds of people.
Police in Latvia are prepared for any development scenario with the aforementioned promotional campaign.
Ruks indicates the events organised by Gobzems are in breach of the Law on Meetings, Processions, and Pickets and represent an intentional crowding during a state of emergency without considering Covid-19 risks, which is an administrative offence. Ruks also explains that in accordance with Section 225.1 of the Criminal Law, if it causes major damages, breach of restrictions and prohibitions put in place during a state of emergency, is a criminal offence.
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«I would like to note that State Police officials are in charge of ensuring public order, prevent crimes and different breaches of the law. Police officials cannot afford inaction in such situations,» said Ruks.
State Police have always been and always will be part of society, and police officers, similarly to other members of society, are also affected by the pandemic and consequences from it, says Ruks.
The chief of Latvian State Police continues: «We ask residents to be understanding, patient and avoid giving in to provocations and commit crimes in the form of mass gatherings during Covid-19 pandemic, which puts at risk their and other people’s health. Police are prepared for any developments of these events.»
«We hope for people’s understanding, responsibility and ability to overcome the challenges presented by this pandemic and refrain from responding to provocations aimed at destabilising the situation.»
«I would like to stress again that it was never the goal of the police to punish, rather to ensure public safety during this pandemic. At the same time, residents should keep in mind that all crimes have consequences. Let’s be responsible towards ourselves, each other and our country!»
Latvian police urge residents to not gather at «events» organized by Aldis Gobzems