In September 2021 Latvian State Revenue Service (VID) Tax and Customs Police commenced two criminal procedures over some criminal group’s cash smuggling across the country’s border. The intercepted amount reaches EUR 1.4 million.
In September 2021 Latvian authorities performed an inspection of a car bearing Latvian registration plate. The driver claimed he carried not goods or cash, which would need to be declared on the border, or anything that would be illegal to carry over the border.
However, an in-depth inspection with help from a K-9 unit revealed a secret compartment inside the car. In this compartment authorities found
26 packages with bank notes of varying nominal value – EUR 717 120 in total.
A criminal process was commenced in accordance with Part 3 of Section 195 of the Criminal Law –laundering of criminally acquired financial resources or other property committed on a large scale, or if they have been committed by an organised group.
As part of the criminal process Latvian authorities performed 15 searches. A total of EUR 9 920.33 was confiscated, as well as items important for the investigation.
Four persons are held suspect of the crime. One has been put under arrest. The other three have been applied with security measures not involving deprivation of freedom.
In the interest of the investigation no additional information is reported at this time.
Latvian authorities apprehend criminal group engaged in smuggling of cash