Latvian army commander: troops are not pessimistic because there’s is a war about

In his interview to LTV programme Rīta panorāma, the commander of Latvia’s National Armed Forces, Lt. Gen. Leonīds Kalniņš said there is no worry among troops about their ability to defend Latvia’s sovereignty.
He said the army is not pessimistic and there is tangible support for society. There is also a great sentiment towards Ukraine and will to support his country in the war against Russia.
Kalniņš mentioned the strength of will is what people need the most to succeed in defending their country and people.

«No arms supplies, no enormous numbers of mobilised troops will help if people have no will to defend their values, which are very important to maintain statehood and the country’s very existence.»

He did say he is sad the army did not see an increase in recruits this year – numbers remain more or less the same as last year. Latvia’s armed forces grew by a total of 362 recruits this year. This allows National Armed Forces to fill in the vacant spots that opened up as a result of retirement of military personnel.
Kalniņš believes the army needs to find a way to present itself to Latvia’s youth in a friendlier way to promote interest in military service and change young people’s minds about it. «Today’s youth is more liberal in their views on general values that rule our society,» said the NBS commander.
Also read: War in Ukraine: Russians flee, Ukrainians advance to liberate