Latvia expects Russia to double down on nuclear blackmail in coming months

Latvia’s Ministry of Defence reports that in the coming months Russia’s nuclear blackmail rhetoric may increase.
As Russia’s military failures continue in the war it has unjustifiably started in Ukraine, nuclear blackmail rhetoric appears in the public information space more and more. This means it is not impossible Russia will soon be holding exercises of its strategic nuclear forces Grom, which usually take place in October.
Latvia’s Defence Minister Artis Pabriks wrote on his Twitter page that nuclear blackmail is a tool Russia uses to resolve its military failures and influence the situation on the Ukrainian front by sowing panic about possible use of nuclear arms.
«A reminder that Russia has repeated this tactic for years.»

Krievija cenšas risināt savas militārās neveiksmes un ietekmēt situāciju Ukrainas frontēs sējot paniku par iespējamu kodolieroču izmantošanu. Jāatgādina, ka Krievija šādu taktiku atkārtojusi jau gadiem ilgi. Kopā ar sabiedrotajiem @NATO rūpīgi sekojam notikumu attīstībai.
— Artis Pabriks (@Pabriks) October 4, 2022

«At the same time, as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and leaders of NATO member states have stressed multiple times, this reckless rhetoric from Russia will not reduce western countries’ support of Ukraine in their fight for sovereignty and territorial integrity,» said Pabriks.

Latvia’s Ministry of Defence states that Russia’s public nuclear blackmail may increase.

This kind of communication from Russia was used intentionally in the past to sow panic in Ukraine and international community. According to Russia’s military doctrine, nuclear threats are nothing new and Russia has been using them for years.