Latest Covid-19 cases in Baltics. 1 884 in Latvia, 2 031 in Lithuania, 1 571 in Estonia

A total of 1 884 new Covid-19 infection cases were found in Latvia in the last 24 hours. 1 241 of the patients were either not vaccinated or have not yet completed their vaccination course. 643 new patients were vaccinated, however.
The latest public data for Estonia reports 196 953 confirmed coronavirus patients. A total of 1 571 new cases were found in the last 24 hours. 595 Covid-19 patients are undergoing treatment in hospitals.
1 550 people have died from the virus in Estonia so far.
The latest data from Lithuania reports 412 796 confirmed coronavirus cases with an increase 2 031 new cases in the past day. 1 963 Covid-19 patients are undergoing treatment in hospitals.
The number of deaths caused by coronavirus complications has reached 5 936 in Lithuania.
21 789 Covid-19 tests were performed in Latvia in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Disease Prevention and Monitoring Centre (SPKC), which means the percentage of positive tests in 8.6%. 3 312 people have died from Covid-19 in Latvia so far and 43 in the last 24 hours. 183 973 have recovered.
SPKC reports that the 14-day cumulative infection index per 100 000 residents is 1 746.9.
Latvian National Health Service reports 1 592 Covid-19 patients in hospitals.
Read also: Number of Covid-19 victims globally exceeds 5 000 000