Starting from 1 April 2022 the entry fee that Jurmala normally imposes for a portion of the year will remain active for the rest of the year. Additionally the fee will be increased to EUR 3, as decided by Jurmala City Council.
The current entry fee to Jurmala is EUR 2. This means the increase will be 50%.
The municipal administration explains that the decision to change the entry rules to reduce the influx of vehicles and promote the use of environmentally friendly forms of transportation.
Residents of Jurmala who own vehicles can come and go as they please – the entry fee does not apply to them. The long-term visit fee remains will remain the same – a week pass will cost EUR 10, month pass will cost EUR 31, and a three-month pass will cost EUR 55.
A pass for the entire year will cost EUR 180, which is EUR 0.49 per day. A half-year pass will cost EUR 107 and a 270-day pass will cost EUR 150.
The situation will not change this year – between 1 October 2021 and 1 April 2022 entry to Jurmala will remain free, the city council assures.
Jurmala City Council decided to change the order of entry next year to reduce the influx of cars and other vehicles through the resort city and promote the use of Ventspils highway instead. Every year road traffic in Jurmala only increases, which is indicated by the entry permit issue statistics – the number of entry ticket sales increases every year.
Because there have been many cases of drivers forgetting to purchase entry tickets upon entering the city and show an interest in paying it the next day, it is planned to permit the payment of single-day entry ticket using Jurmala’s e-services portal until the end of the next day, the municipality notes.
Jurmala uses the money collected from entry tickets to finance tourism and develop the resort city’s environment, environmental protection, maintenance of culture monuments, and to maintain order and safety in the city.
Revenue from the permit regime is estimated at EUR 2.7 million annually. The city’s total annual revenue is about EUR 93 million. This means revenue from entry tickets form a small portion of the total amount of money the city invests into development and maintenance of its territory.
Jurmala to increase entry fee 50% starting next spring; entry fee to remain in force all year round