When compared to the same period of last year, housing prices in Q2 2021 increased 12.4% in Latvia, which is more rapid than the average across EU and Eurozone member states, according to data from Eurostat.
The most rapid housing price climb was observed in Estonia (+16.1%), Denmark (+15.6%), Czech Republic (+14.5%), Luxembourg (+13.6%) and Lithuania (+13.3%).
Except for Cyprus, where prices have dropped 4.9%, generally housing prices in Q2 have increased in all EU member states for which data is available.
The average April-June housing price increase in EU member states was 7.3%. In Eurozone it was 6.8%. The housing price change quarter-wise was 2.7% in the EU and 2.6% in Eurozone.
Increase of housing prices from Q1 to Q2 was observed in all EU member states for which data is available. It was the most rapid in Latvia (+6.7%), Slovenia (+4.5%) and Austria (+4.2%). Prices increased 3.5% in Lithuania and 2.6% in Estonia.
No data is available for Greece.
Housing price rise in Latvia reportedly above the average among EU member states