Four deputies of Latvia’s parliament still have not submitted a valid Covid-19 vaccination or recovery certificate to the Saeima’s administration and Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee.
Among these deputies are Valērijs Nikonovs from Harmony, the espionage-accused deputy Jānis Ādamsons, who remains under arrest and unable to participate in Saeima meetings, Jūlija Stepaņenko from Latvia in First Place and Romāns Naudiņš from the National Alliance.
The chairman of the committee Janīna Kursīte-Pakule says she received both a negative test result for Covid-19 and affirmation to participate in today’s meeting from Stepaņenko this morning.
The law states that a negative test result is considered valid to work in the Saeima if it is accompanied by a notice from a medical council that a person is unable to undergo vaccination for reasons of health.
Deputy Aldis Adamovičs asked if members of the parliament are permitted to participate in Saeima’s work if they commenced their vaccination course just the other day, the response was no. Saeima’s Legal Affairs Bureau head Dina Meistere said the law is clear about the documents deputies are required to have to access meetings of the parliament.
If deputies do not have appropriate papers, they do not have the right to participate in meetings, stressed Meistere.
The states deputies are required to submit relevant documents to the Mandates Committee. Members of the committee later convene and announce how many deputies have submitted documents to the parliament.
Adamovičs also asked what happens if a vaccinated or recovered deputy fails to present a certificate. Meistare said in such cases the committee prepares a report, adding that submission of documents to the committee is the duty of every deputy.
Additionally, the chairman of the committee asked if names of non-vaccinated deputies could be announced at Saeima meetings. Meistere stressed that in the interest of public health the law provides the committee the duty to report deputies who do not have a valid certificate.
She adds society has the right to know which deputies do not have a certificate and what they are up to when not taking part in Saeima meetings.
Read also: Only Covid-19 vaccinated or recovered deputies are allowed to work in the Saeima
Four Latvian Saeima deputies still have not vaccinated for Covid-19