On Thursday, 6 January, Latvian Saeima deputy Ramona Petraviča announced her decision to leave the political party For a Humane Latvia, which was previously known as KPV LV.
She said she has also decided to leave the post as the party’s board member. Petraviča thanked the party for «political maturity» and the experience she gained as the party’s member. At the same time, she said that since summer, when the core of the party had changed, the former Minister of Welfare has not been able to find her place in this party due to different political beliefs, work style and conflicting ideals.
Petraviča said that of the seven board members in the party only three are left.
At the same time, the parliamentarian promises to continue working in the Saeima as an independent deputy together with other non-party deputies.
Petraviča also said that nay claim about joining other political parties is nothing more than speculation.
«It is important for me to pick a political party in which I can continue my work, defend the interests of residents and their rights for free vaccination and opportunities to work and study, as well as receive appropriate support during the pandemic, which was introduced during my term as minister. I also want to work to improve state support for less protected groups of residents, as well as reduce poverty in the country. My priorities also include protection women’s rights,» said the Saeima deputy.
Petraviča was elected to the 13th Saeima from KPV LV list of candidates.
For a Humane Latvia political party loses a member