EU plans to cancel fast issue of visas to Russian citizens

The European Union plans to cancel the agreement under which Russian citizens are provided quick issue of visas, as reported by EU diplomat on Monday, 29 August.
«We cannot maintain the same visa policy we’ve had until now,» said the diplomat prior to the meeting of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers in Prague, where it is planned to discuss Russian invasion of Ukraine.

«Tourism is not human rights.»

The diplomat added that the 2007 agreement regarding fast visa issue was symbolic. It was made in efforts to establish more positive relations with Moscow.
If EU member states approve this proposed measure, which does not mean no more visas will be issued to Russian citizens, as suggested by several EU member states, it will come into force in October.
The EU has already cancelled the fast issue of visas to official delegations and business leaders from Russia. Now this is planned to be done with short visits.
According to a source in diplomatic circles, hot debates are expected at the EU ministers’ meeting in Prague. However, a full cancellation of visas for Russian citizens should come as part of a new package of sanctions, which requires unanimous support of all member states.
Such a prohibition would include exceptions for humanitarian situations, as well as students and representatives of civil society.