In Estonia, schools may not check the Covid-19 digital certificates to parents of pupils coming to school events, according to the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research as quoted by the ERR.
In August, the Estonian Chancellor of Justice, Ülle Madise, concluded that schools cannot take away the rights of parents, which includes their right to represent the child and act in their best interest. A parent had turned to the Chancellor of Justice to determine, whether schools have the right to ban parents from events at the start of the school year if they do not have the Covid-19 certificates necessary to attend events in the Baltic country.
In the context of Christmas events, Tallinn’s Jakob Westholm High School principal had turned to the ministry to determine, if the school can require parents to present a Covid-19 digital certificated to attend a concert of the education institution.
ERR reports, the ministry’s crisis manager Rain Sannik interpreted Madise’s statement as follows: «The specific letter and statement handled things related to ceremonies, but also found that parents are not extraneous persons at school, since cooperation between the parent and the school is in the best interest of the child, the school cannot leave the parent out of matters involving school».
Estonian schools may not check parent Covid certificates at school events