Drunk driving is a criminal offence in Latvia as of 25 November

25 November marks the coming into force of amendments to the Criminal Law that provide criminal liability for drunk driving. Criminal liability is established if alcohol concentration exceeds 1.5 per mille, reminds Latvian State Police.
Amendments provide criminal liability for driving a vehicle or teaching someone drive a car while under effect of narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances. No specific limit or degree of influence is listed for these substances.
According to State Police, data indicates that the number of victims of different road traffic accidents involving drivers in a state of intoxication unfortunately does not change in Latvia. The majority of caught drunk drivers caught behind the wheel were especially drunk.

Kriminālatbildība paredzēta arī par transportlīdzekļa vadīšanu vai mācīšanu vadīt transportlīdzekli, atrodoties narkotisko, psihotropo, toksisko vai citu apreibinošu vielu ietekmē.
— Valsts policija (@Valsts_policija) November 24, 2022

Drunk driving is punishable with up to one year in prison, short-term deprivation of freedom, probation, community service or fine with confiscation of driver’s license for a period of up to five years.
BNN previously reported that the 13th Saeima passed in the third reading amendments to the Criminal Law, providing criminal liability for drunk driving if alcohol concentration in the breath exceeds 1.5 per mille. The Saeima also passed accompanying amendments to the Road Traffic Law.
Also read: 13th Saeima declares drunk driving a criminal offence in Latvia