Last week Covid-19 vaccination rates in Latvia were similar to the two previous weeks, but slower when compared to the end of October and start of November. Vaccination activity largely relied on booster shots, according to data from the National Health Service (NVD).
Last week about 66 000 vaccinated for Covid-19 in Latvia. This is about 9 500 people a day. This vaccination rate is similar to what was observed in the last two weeks of November (12 000 to 12 700 people a day).
Booster shots were the main driving force behind the vaccination rate last week – 41 000 of Covid-19 vaccine injections were booster shots, 19 000 vaccine shots completed people’s vaccination course and only 6 000 accounted for first doses.
At least 1 264 people received Covid-19 vaccine injections. This includes 104 people who received the first jab, 381 who completed the vaccination course and 68 people who were vaccinated using Johnson&Johnson vaccine, which requires only one jab, according to data from NVD. The National Immunisation Council (IVP) still recommends residents who received Janssen vaccine to sign up for a booster shot with Comirnaty or Moderna vaccine.
779 people have received booster shots to strengthen their immune system. All of the aforementioned data may yet change because many vaccination institutions register data with a delay of up to several days.
953 000 residents have received the second jab and another 275 people have received jabs with Janssen vaccine in Latvia so far. This means the total number of residents in the country who have completed the vaccination course is 1.23 million or 65.2% of the population.
In Estonia 833 812 or 62.69% of the population have received Covid-19 vaccine. Of them 801 388 have completed the vaccination course (60.25%), according to the official Estonian Covid-19 vaccination portal
In Lithuania 1 890 014 people or 67.6% or the population have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine jab. 1 364 279 (55.8%) of them have completed the vaccination course, according to data from Lithuania’s official portal
There are four Covid-19 vaccines approved for use in the EU – Comirnaty, Vaxzevria (prev. AstraZeneca), Janssen and Spikevax (prev. Moderna). Due to low demand, however, Vaxzevria is used in Latvia very rarely.
Booster shot recipients in Latvia and vaccination rates in Baltic States