Residents in Latvia who have a Covid-19 vaccination or recovery certificate but have nonetheless contracted the infection are planned to be provided sick leave benefits from the first day of incapacity for work, as confirmed by Saeima’s press-service.
This much is provided by amendments passed by Saeima’s Social and Employment Matters Committee to the Law on Maternity and Sickness Insurance, which were declared urgent. Amendments will be viewed by the parliament on 4 November.
This order will also extend to persons who were advised to postpone Covid-19 vaccination.
«The number of Covid-19 infection cases are on a rapid increase. Vaccination is one of the main instruments to help battle the pandemic. It is vital to follow recommendations from epidemiologists and restore the previous conditions. However, this time it is necessary to provide support to the persons who have a certificate or a recommendation to postpone Covid-19 vaccination,» says the committee’s chairman Andris Skride.
Amendments are planned to make it so that between 6 November and 31 December persons suffering from upper respiratory infection are to be issued a sick-leave certificate B between the first and third day. Additionally, residents will be paid sick leave benefits.
If a person is sent to undergo Covid-19 and the result turns out positive, the sick-leave benefit will be paid for the period of time between day one and the day of the person recovering his or her ability to work. If the test turns out negative but the person remains unable to work, the sick-leave B certificate is to be lifted on the third day and replaced with sick-leave A certificate. Sick leave benefit will be paid under the general order, as provided by the legislative draft.
At the same time, the legislative draft is meant to make it so that persons with vaccination or recovery certificate or recommendation to postpone vaccination and whose period of parental benefit ended 11 October 2021 and who are unable to return to work due to the state of emergency will be able to apply for an extension of parental benefits.
It will be paid for the period between 11 October and the day when the person starts gaining income as an employed or self-employed person, but not past 15 November. The amount paid will not be allowed to exceed EUR 700. The benefit will not be paid if the person is engaged in business activities and gains income or the person is paid downtime benefits, the legislative draft provides.
Once they have been passed by the Saeima, amendments will come to force on the next day of their promulgation.
Benefits planned to be provided to vaccinated but infected residents from day one