The accommodations centres for detained foreigners managed by the State Border Guard are not overcrowded, reports the State Border Guard.
There are two such centres managed by border control authorities in Latvia – in Daugavpils and in Mucenieki. Both are closed-type centres.
Before the government decided to announce a state of emergency in August, the two aforementioned centres were overcrowded. Now the situation has changed because there have been no new tenants so far. The reason for this is because the border guards successfully prevent attempts to illegally cross Latvian-Belarusian border.
The State Border Guard did not mention the exact number of tenants.
Foreigners who did not request asylum and those who were denied asylum in Latvia are put in those centres.
Once the bureaucratic procedures have been settled, these people will be deported from Latvia.
The situation at the centres is calm and there have been no incidents so far.
Considering the increased pressure from illegal immigration, Latvia’s government decided to declare a state of emergency in Ludza, Krāslava, Augšdaugava, as well as Daugavpils.
Accommodation centres for detained foreigners are not crowded, says Latvian State Border Guard