According to the Chinese calendar, 2025 is the year of the Snake, and it will start its rule on the 29th of January. *Let’s look at who, according to the Eastern horoscope, is destined to rapidly move up the career ladder this year and become a real magnet for money, and for whom no special changes in terms of well-being are expected.
Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, was celebrated when cereals ripened on the banks of the Chinese Yellow River. The date of the Chinese New Year in the Gregorian calendar changes because the basis of the traditional Chinese calendar is the lunar cycle, in which there are 30 days in each month.
There are twelve animals in the Chinese calendar
According to legend, Buddha, before leaving this earthly life, invited all the beasts to say goodbye, but only 12 animals came. Buddha then gave each of them their own year. The years were granted according to the order in which each animal came to Buddha – the snake was first, then came the ox, then tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.
But there is also a version that the story of twelve animals of the Chinese calendar originated from an ancient Chinese poem, which tells about 12 mythical animals that descended from the sky to help people celebrate the coming of spring and a new harvest. The animals descended to the Earth every two hours, and their total journey symbolized a 24-hour day. Chinese New Year animals change every year in a twelve-year cycle, but there are also five different types of each animal, represented by five elements of Chinese culture – earth, wood, fire, fire, water and metal. 2024 was the year of the Wooden Dragon, and 2025 is the year of the Wooden Snake.
The ruler of the year – Snake
In mythology, the Snake is recognized as being that brings healing, and affects the physical body so that it moves to a more spiritual view. The snake embodies both wisdom and danger. Of all the rulers of the year, the Snake is best able to hear the heartbeats of the Earth and resonate with them. The snake represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. The snake is also associated with luck, well-being, fertility and longevity. In some legends, snakes are considered divine messengers and guardians of sacred places. Snakes are also revered for their ability to shed skin and regenerate, symbolizing transformation and rebirth.
Elements and energies of the year
In 2025, the strongest prosperous element is Fire, so water, wood and fire-related industries will flourish, while ground and metal element-related industries may have less support.
The sectors that will benefit the most from the energy of 2025 are: banking, tourism, shipping, consulting, fine arts and culture, engineering, healthcare, food and beverage sectors. Also, thanks to purposefulness and good strategic planning, workers in the agricultural, construction, and beauty sectors, as well as politicians, can, too, hope for success.
The luckiest people of 2025
Those born in the year of the Rat, Ox, Rooster, Horse, Monkey and Dragon will find the most fortune this year. True, the year of birth alone will not be enough, it is also necessary to take into account the month of birth according to the Western horoscope and the element of the sign of the corresponding year of birth. For example, luck may differ for those born in the year of the Wooden Snake and the Water Snake. However, although this forecast is general, it clearly outlines annual trends.
Horoscope for 2025
Year of the Rat
Birth years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.
For Rats, the year offers opportunities for career growth. A good time to start your own business. Representatives of this sign will have opportunities to gain wealth, which will result in an impressive number of banknotes. The main thing is not indulge in dream palaces and keep a cool, rational mind. Be kind and compassionate, always lend a helping hand and help those in need.
Although the stars indicate success, fame and personal growth, this will only fully materialize if you are able to suppress unnecessary expenses and avoid conflicts. Strengthening relationships with friends, family and colleagues will also be essential.
Most successful months: January, February, April, August, November and December.
Year of the Ox
Birth years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.
A year of new opportunities awaits those born in the year of the Ox. Investing in yourself, mastering something new, will have a big return, because the Snake will do everything to direct you in the direction of stable progress. Care must be taken when travelling, look after personal belongings and beware of minor accidents. Before signing any documents, check everything twice.
For many Ox this year, love will be whirling in the air, and friendship will also be an important factor. The recommendation of the year is to maintain optimism and a cool mind. Accept all the challenges, it will allow you to get long-term benefits.
Most successful months: January, May, September and December.
Year of the Tiger
Birth years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.
Tigers will not lack money, however, beware of dishonest people and fraudsters. Beware of injuries and accidents. Emotional emptiness is possible, which can make the otherwise energetic and decisive Tiger apathetic.
This is not the best year to start a new business. It is believed that astrologically the Tiger is the enemy of the Snake’s friend – the Monkey, and therefore the ruler of the year may hinder the realization of the Tiger’s plans. This applies to both business and travel.
Most successful months: March, April, June, October, November
Year of the Rabbit, Hare or Cat
Birth years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011, 2023
Those born this year can hope for new opportunities. It is very likely that this year efforts to receive a salary increase or an unexpected bonus will be crowned with success. Travel and the people they meet will also contribute to the opportunities. Therefore, always keep your travel bag ready and if an unexpected last-minute opportunity suddenly awaits, do not hesitate and drive.
There’s probably going to be some major moves coming up, which has been thought about for quite some time. It may be a change of apartment, but it may as well be a move to another country or even a continent. This year is especially suitable for drawing a streak under the past and letting change into your life. Care must be taken to ensure good mutual relations, both at work and in private life. When making any improvements in your place of residence, you need to beware of household injuries. Also, be careful on the water.
Most successful months: February, April, July and October
Year of the Dragon
Birth years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
A very fulfilling year awaits many Dragons, the fruits of which will allow them to put their deeds aside, resign from their posts and enjoy life. This will be a sociable year, and the more you want to be seen and heard, the better. Many a Dragon can expect the laurels of fame this year. However, in the spirit of overall success, do not forget to take care of your reputation and trust only those whom you know well and are sure of.
Communication will play an important role in establishing contacts for future projects. In this year, you can spend significant funds on travel. Thanks to the support of the stars, it will turn out to be a good investment in the future.
Most successful months: February, August, September, December
Year of the Snake
Birth years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025.
Snakes, this is your year! The stars promise you fame and wealth. You can expect the peaks of popularity. However, keep in mind that with this you are in the spotlight. Therefore, it would be a good idea to strictly observe the boundaries both in the professional field and in private life. Be conscientious in making decisions, do not rush, and in each situation always give only the best.
A remarkable success in his career awaits the Snake, which could also mean a significant promotion. However, remember, whatever you do, you must always respect the limits of the law. Be careful not to allow yourself to be cheated or deceived by any friends.
Most successful months: January, June, July, September and January (2026)
Year of the Horse
Birth years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Those born in the year of the Horse can expect a year of prosperity. Focus on new work projects and everything related to commuting and traveling. There will be new opportunities to promote what you do, such as new product lines or services. Treat others well and receive just as much trust and support. Be prepared to climb the podium and go out as a winner in 2025. This will be a year of high vibration, which will ensure positive thinking.
Given that those born in the year of the Horse will have a great deal of work, one should be aware of burnout and fatigue. When making important and long-term decisions, do not rush. Luck will be with you this year.
Most successful months: February, April, May, July and October
Year of the Sheep, Goat
Birth years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1991, 2002, 2014
This year will encourage investment in oneself, acquire skills, as well as test readiness to change direction. Remember that diligence always brings rewards: even if you are not at the peak of success in 2025, the key to success will still be in your hands. Restraining emotions will help self-affirmation and promote good luck. If necessary, do not be shy to seek support, you are surrounded by many people who are ready to help.
It is recommended to make important decisions only after thorough reflection and consultation with friends, colleagues or partners. Trips are also recommended, they will only benefit the luck of those born in the year of the Goat this year.
Most successful months: March, June and November
Year of the Monkey
Birth years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
In 2025, luck remains in your hands. By investing in the right people or products, the financial well-being of those born in the year of the Monkey will grow rapidly. It would be best to get rid of projects that have exhausted themselves. If in doubt, rely on your intuition. The Snake will gladly support the Monkeys in this regard. Focus on expanding your social circle and enjoy travel options, especially in a south/south-west direction.
Since for many people born in the Year of the Monkey, this can be a year of life change and movement, carefully consider any advice you receive. Among them there may be those that will not contribute to further well-being. Decisions made in 2025 will be important for the next stage of life, so they should be made by listening to your heart.
Most successful months: April, May, August, September, October and December
Year of the Rooster
Birth years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Those born in the year of the Rooster use the energy of the Snake to receive recognition and reward for the dedication of previous years. Many will want to invest in the representatives of this sign (education, acquisition of new skills, etc.), and these opportunities should not be missed. It’s really a great year to make a difference, move and/or benefit from being in the right place, at the right time. The ability to travel for both work and leisure purposes may increase.
In terms of expenses born in the year of the Rooster, a rather expensive year awaits, but there is no reason for excitement, because there will also be financial support for the implementation of various needs. As in 2024, continue to prioritize health.
Most successful months: April, May, August, October and January (2026)
Year of the Dog
Birth years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Those born in the year of the Dog are waiting for success this year, be it a new career position or a partnership that will ensure more equal conditions. If you have to face some kind of lawsuit or conflict of another legal nature, be calm, because most likely you will get out of it as a winner. This sign has several lucky stars that will help suppress last year’s failures. This applies both to communication with different people, as well as to relationships in the field of professional and private life. It’s time for positive changes in all areas of your life – love is in the air.
Most successful months: February, March, June, August, September and October
Year of the Pig
Birth years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
2025 can become a challenging year, so think carefully about things before making important decisions and be prepared to take into account the advice available to you, otherwise luck can also turn away. Those born in the year of the Pig this year may feel impatient and nervous in relationships with others, however, too interfering in the affairs of others should not, as it can remain outside of potentially good deals. Avoid stubbornness and be prepared to eat a little “humble pie”, this will help dispel some unpleasant moments.
Most successful months: February, March and June.
*Prepared based on foreign press materials.
Year 2025: How will the “Snake” affect career, love and financial welfare?