Linas Jegelevičius
The pre-holiday week in Lithuania is marked by important government decisions affecting both business and education. Agreements were also signed to increase security and promote development in Lithuania.
FSRU Independence can be registered in Lithuania
The Lithuanian Seimas on the 22nd of December approved more flexible regulation of the composition of ships’ crews and other legislative amendments important for registering the Klaipėda LNG terminal’s Independence floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) in the national maritime register. Lawmakers discussed the changes to the existing laws on maritime safety and merchant shipping under a fast-track procedure. The Independence is currently registered in Singapore and flies the flag of that country.
Decision on the deployment of a German brigade called «a political one»
Chief of Defence of Lithuania Valdemaras Rupšys said on Thursday, the 22nd of December, after meeting with his German counterpart Eberhard Zorn in Vilnius that the decision on the deployment of a German brigade a «political one», and he refused to comment on it. His comment came amid reignited debate on the Vilnius-Berlin brigade agreement, with Lithuania maintaining that Germany committed to deploying a full brigade in Lithuania. The agreement was signed in Vilnius in June by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Germany has so far only deployed the planned brigade’s forward command element to Lithuania.
Lithuania signs contract to acquire Switchblade combat drones from US
The Defence Materiel Agency under Lithuania’s Ministry of National defence has signed a contract on acquisition of Switchblade 600 combat drones from the US Government, the Defence Ministry reported on Thursday, the 22nd of December. The acquisition would also include drone launching and control equipment, a simulator for personnel training, and a maintenance package, the ministry said adding that the contract was worth an estimated 45 million euros. The United States will also hand over smaller and lighter Switchblade 300 combat drones to Lithuania in the near future. This capability intended for the Lithuanian Armed Forces is expected to be financed by the US Military Assistance Fund.
Seimas approves compulsory school tests
Lithuanian MPs on Thursday, the 22nd of December, backed the introduction of compulsory school tests for Grades 4 and 8, and also set a threshold as of 2025 for Grade 10 students to continue their education in gymnasium. This move will change the current testing system as tests will become compulsory for Grades 4 and 8, but there will be no more tests for Grade 6. Under the new scheme, the gymnasium threshold will be phased in for 10-graders, starting with four points in 2025 and going up to five points from 2029. Currently, children’s achievements are assessed in Grades 4, 6 and 8, but they are not compulsory. Nevertheless, some 96 percent of children in general education establishments undergo such evaluation.
Teltonika to invest 96 million euros in a technology park in Vilnius
Lithuania’s high-tech group Teltonika will invest 96 million euros in a technology park in the Liepkalnis area of Vilnius and create 700 jobs. The Ministry for the Economy and Innovation said on Wednesday, the 21st of December, that it had signed a contract with Teltonika Group providing for the establishment of the Teltonika High-Tech Hill Stage II technology park on a 14-hectare site by 2029.
Vilnius public transport drivers end strike
Public transport drivers in Vilnius on Wednesday, the 21st of December, ended their strike after their trade union reached agreement with Vilniaus Viesasis Transportas (Vilnius Public Transport, VVT). A collective agreement with VVT workers, agreed last Friday, was signed on Thursday, the 22nd of December, the mayor said, adding that it will enter into force on the 1st of January. The industrial action took place for a week and a half as drivers demanded better working conditions and higher pay.
SDPL tops party rankings
The opposition Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (SDPL) remains the most popular party in Lithuania, followed by the ruling conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (HU-LCD), according to the latest survey by Vilmorus for the Lietuvos Rytas daily, published on Thursday, the 22nd of December. If elections were held on the upcoming Sunday, 14,5 percent would vote for the SDPL, down from 15 percent in November. Some 9,7 percent would vote for HU-LCD, down from 10,6 percent in November. The opposition Democrats “For Lithuania” continue to rank third with 8,9 percent, up from 8,1 percent in November. The opposition Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union would be supported by 7,4 percent (6,5 percent in November). Next on the list is the Liberal Movement, part of the ruling coalition, which would get 5,4 percent of votes (5 percent in November). The Freedom and Justice party saw its voter support dwindle to 2 percent in December, from 5,9 percent in November.
Government approves opening of Lithuanian school in Suwalki
A Lithuanian school will be opened in the Polish town of Suwalki, which is home to a Lithuanian ethnic minority. On Wednesday, the 21st of December, the government approved a protocol resolution authorizing the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport to provide a grant out of its resources to the Polish-based Bishop Antanas Baranauskas Foundation Lithuanian House so that it could acquire a building with a land parcel required for the school and carry out other tasks. According to plans, a primary school for grades 1–3 should be opened in Suwalki as early as next year and should be expanded continuously in the future. The ministry said that the premises suitable for the school, a kindergarten and a cultural centre had already been found and would cost nearly 3,24 million zlotys, or 690,000 euros to acquire. Funds saved by the ministry due to the shutdown of Lithuanian schools by Belarus and Russia would comprise the bulk of that amount. Approximately 1,000 Lithuanians reside in Suwalki at present. A Lithuanian kindergarten was opened in that Polish town in August 2020 and is now attended by 25 children.
Cabinet extends relocation of people of Lithuanian descent from Ukraine
With Russia continuing its aggression in Ukraine, Lithuania has decided to extend the relocation of people of Lithuanian descent from the war-torn country until the 30th of June, 2023. The previous decision of the Cabinet provided for the possibility to apply for resettlement status until the 31st of December, 2022. After Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in late February, Vilnius moved to relocate Lithuanian citizens, people of Lithuanian descent, and persons who have the right to have their citizenship restored as well as their family members to Lithuania from Ukraine. To date, the resettlement status has been granted to 70 persons, ten applications have been rejected and another ten are still being examined, according to the data from the Foreign Ministry.
Latakas remains CEO of Lithuania’s port of Klaipėda
Algis Latakas, the incumbent manager of the Lithuanian seaport of Klaipėda, says he will stay in his position after the Transport and Communications Ministry earlier confirmed on Tuesday, the 20th of December, that he would be able to stay once the Klaipėda State Seaport Authority becomes a joint-stock company next year. Latakas says he wants to complete a lot of projects.
Avia Solutions Group moving main headquarters to Ireland from Cyprus
Avia Solutions Group (ASG), a global aviation business group controlled by Lithuanian businessman Gediminas Žiemelis, announced on Monday, the 19th of December, it is moving its main headquarters to Ireland, from Cyprus. Avia Solutions Group CEO Jonas Janukėnas explained that the decision had been made after taking into account the group’s international expansion plans and finding Ireland as the most favourable country for their implementation at present. Avia Solutions Group also said that it would be the second-largest aviation company registered in Ireland after Ryanair. ASG reported 1,34 billion euros in revenue for January-September 2022, a two-fold increase from 668,286 million euros in the same period last year.
Week in Lithuania: Seimas approves compulsory school tests. 96 million euros investment in technology park in Vilnius