Until the elections, each of the 19 candidate political parties are allowed to spend no more than EUR 708,053 for campaign purposes.
The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has calculated the maximum amount of limited pre–election campaign expenses that each political party and their association may spend before the 14th Saeima elections scheduled for October 1. Limited spending applies to all forms of political advertising, charity, sponsorship, allowance and donations.
KNAB explains that pre–election campaign expenses include both party’s and the parliamentary candidates individuals costs. According to KNAB’s calculations, if a party or an association of parties plans to run its campaign in the entire territory of Latvia, then the maximum amount of pre–election campaigning, that it may use for limited campaigning expenses, is EUR 708,053.30.
Persons who are not connected to political parties and their associations may use funds not exceeding 15 minimum monthly salaries, namely EUR 7,500, for pre-election campaigning for or against parties and candidates.
For these persons campaign restrictions apply to advertising placement, charity, sponsorship, allowances, gifts, as well as postal services.
KNAB made calculations on the maximum amount of pre-election expenses of parties before the 14th Saeima elections, based on the methodology mentioned in the Law on Financing Political Organizations and information on the lists of parliamentary candidates provided by Central Election Commission.
At the same time, KNAB reminds that during the pre–election campaigning period, which will last until the election day, campaigners, media and other involved parties must follow the established procedure for pre-election campaigning, that also refers to the placement of campaigning materials in press publications, public places, on the Internet, as well as in the media.
Until elections political parties can spend no more than EUR 708,053 on campaign