In November 2021 actual unemployment rate comprised 7.1 %, which is 0.4 percentage points more than in October.
The unemployment rate for males increased by 0.3 percentage points to 7.9 % in November, while for females it rose by 0.6 percentage points to 6.3 %, according to data of the Labour Force Survey conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSP).
The unemployment rate registered with the State Employment Agency (NVA) was 6.4 %, which is 0.4 percentage points more than in October.
Compared to November of the previous year, the actual unemployment rate has decreased by 0.7 percentage points, the registered unemployment rate – by 1.0 percentage points.
In November 2021 there were 67.0 thousand unemployed in Latvia (29.4 thousand females and 37.6 thousand males), which is 4.1 thousand more than in October, but 8.6 thousand less than in the respective period of the previous year. During the month, the number of unemployed males has increased by 1.3 thousand, while females – by 2.8 thousand. It should be noted that in November the requirement came into force that employed in state and municipal institutions, as well as those in the private sector whose work is associated with an increased risk of Covid-19 transmission, could continue perform their duties only with a vaccination or recovery certificate, thus potentially increasing the number of unemployed people.
NVA calculates the registered unemployment rate using the data on the registered unemployed persons available to the agency and the data provided by the CSP on active population (employed and unemployed persons) of working age. Unadjusted monthly estimates of the survey are used for calculations of the actual unemployment rate.
CSP reminds that during the time of change information on population employment is important to assess impact of the current situation on the national economic and social processes and therefore is asking population to be active and participate in surveys. CSP would like to thank everyone who took part in surveys.
Unemployment in Latvia up slightly in November