Some athletes remain in Ukraine. Some of them decided to remain in their home country to fight against Russian occupants. Others, want to continue taking part in international tournaments to lift Ukraine’s flag and remind the world of what is happening there.
Latvian Professional Boxing Federation has sent letters about professional boxers who want to travel to Latvia to continue their training and participate in tournaments.
LPBF secretary general Jekaterina Krilova said they as an association strongly condemn Russia’s behaviour and have also sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Since LPBF is not recognized by Latvian Sports Federations Council, Krilova explained that her organisation has a standing agreement with Latvian Boxing Federation, which is recognized by the council and monitors how LPBF operates when organising tournaments, licensing athletes and referees, etc.
Photo: LPBFLPBF notes that it is based on that agreement it cooperates with LBF and all international boxing organisations, representing Latvia in all of them.
Ukrainian boxers come to Latvia to train and participate in tournaments