Photo: Simona Dilāne
While at the end of March Latvia can experience precipitation and strong wind, April will start off with mostly dry weather and frequent clear sky. In the middle of the week colder masses of air will flow to the country, causing air temperature to drop as far as -10° C in some parts of Latvia, according to Latvian State Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
On Monday, 28 March, weather will be mostly cloudy. Some rain is expected in eastern territories in the afternoon. The south-west south wind will be slow to moderate. Along the coast wind speed will reach 15-18 m/sec. The wind will calm down around the late evening.
Air temperature at night will drop as far as 0° C… +4° C (0° C… -3° C in eastern areas). Daytime air temperature will reach +6° C… +10° C (+12° C in southern areas).
On Tuesday cyclone activity will decrease. Weather will be cloudy, with moments of clear sky. In the second half of the night a precipitation zone will approach from the north – wet snow and snow is expected in some areas. The wind will blow from the north-west and west.
Air temperature at night will be +1° C… -4° C, whereas daytime air temperature will be 0° C… +4° C (0° C… -3° C in Vidzeme).
On Wednesday atmospheric pressure will increase slightly and calm weather will remain. A volatile amount of clouds is expected. Some snowing is expected at night. The wind will blow from the north in the first half of night and from the west in the second half. With colder masses of air flowing to the country, air temperature at night will be -6° C… -11° C (-2° C… -7° C along the coast), whereas maximum daytime air temperature will be -1° C… +3° C, meteorologists report.
In the second half of the week weather will be dictated by high atmospheric pressure. Weather will be calm until the end of the week – no precipitation and mostly slow northern wind. With clear sky, air temperature at night will drop as far as -10° C… -12° C, whereas daytime air temperature will be above +2° C… +6° C.
Though the end of March will be cold, April will start off dry in Latvia