Ticket prices for the XXVII Latvian Song and XVII Dance Celebration will be approximately 40% higher than they were in past years. Various estimates indicate as much. Nevertheless, the Cabinet of Ministers will need to review the price list before it is approved.
The price rise for various events is not equal. There are also events whose ticket prices have gone down. Unlike the celebration in 2013 and 2018, the range of tickets is down, specifically the cheapest tickets.
For example the tickets for the final concert in Mežaparks will be presented in five price groups – 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 euros. Tickets for the concert in 2018 were presented in six price groups – 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 euros. In 2013 there were seven ticket price groups, the cheapest cost 3 lats or 4.3 euros.
The biggest price leap will be for the vocally symphonic concert. While in 2018 the most expensive ticket for this concert cost 35 euros, it was also possible to purchase tickets in the 5, 7, 10 euros, this year organisers offer tickets in the 90, 75 and 60 euros. The cheapest ticket will cost 20 euros. This means the prices of the most expensive tickets have more than doubled. The prices of the cheapest tickets have quadrupled. Additionally, unlike the celebration of 2013 and 2018, this year the vocal symphonic concert will move from Arēna Rīga to Latvian National Opera building. This means considerably fewer people will be able to attend it.
Traditionally tickets are sold out the fastest for the Dance Concert at Daugava Stadium. This year organisers have plans for two concerts for different prices. The most expensive day concert tickets will cost 65 and 50 euros, whereas the cheapest will cost 20 euros. Tickets for the evening concert will cost 100 and 80 euros (25 euros for the cheapest tickets). The general rehearsal for the big concert will be accessible only for participants of the concert for 20 euros.
Unlike the previous celebrations, this year only the final concert and choir concert ‘Tīrums. Dziesmas ceļš’ will be held at Mežaparks Concert Stage this year. Prices for this concert are slightly lower than tickets for the Kopā augšup concert. Additionally, there are seven ticket price groups instead of five. Ticket prices for Tīrums. Dziesmas ceļš concert will range between 70 and 15 euros.
The audience will also be able to watch the rehearsal of both concerts in Mežaparks. Ticket prices for the rehearsal of Tīrums. Dziesmas ceļš concert will cost between 40 and 15 euros, ticket prices for Kopā augšup concert rehearsal will cost between 45 and 15 euros.
There will be events at the XXVII Song and XVII Dance Celebration the ticket prices of which have gone down slightly when compared with previous celebrations. This applies to Laika upe concert, ticket prices of which will range between 20 and 12 euros. The drop in price can be explained by the fact that this year the concert will be held at Ķīpsala Hall. In 2018, when it was held at Dailes Theatre, tickets cost between 35 and 10 euros.
The news about organisers of the celebration having plans to install tribunes along the route of XXVII Latvian Song and XVII Dance Celebration’s procession and charge people 25 euros caused a public resonance. This year it will be possible to purchase tickets for the opening concert organised for participants and which will be attended by popular performers and artists. Entry tickets will cost 40 euros. In 2018 tickets to this concert cost 25 euros.
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This year’s Song Celebration tickets expected 40% more expensive than before