The total volume of precipitation observed in Latvia in winter 2021/2022 was 197.2 mm, which is 36% more than the norm (144.6 mm). This makes the recent winter the 2nd most humid in the history of meteorological observations (since 1924), according to Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
The winter of 2012 was even more humid: the volume of precipitation in Latvia was about 210.4 mm. All winter months were more humid than the norm, especially February and January, which were the 2nd most humid February and 8th most humid January in the history of meteorological observations in Latvia.
In Pavilosta the total volume of precipitation was 139.4 mm in February, which is the largest precipitation volume registered for this month at any of Latvia’s meteorological observation station (129 mm in Cirava in 2002).
Winter kicked off with intense cold: the first ten-day period of December was the coldest beginning of December since 2002. This December was three degrees colder than the norm. Respectively, January and February were 2.1 and 3.5 degrees warmer than the norm. Generally during the 2021/2022 calendar winter (December-February) average air temperature was 1.5 degrees, which is 0.9 degrees above the climatic standard.
Winter was also windy. Latvia had four storms, during which wind speed reached 30 m/sec.
This winter in Latvia turns out one of the most humid in history