During the pandemic doctors in Latvia sometimes face aggressive behaviour and even threats from residents. This is why more decisive action from the police is needed, said head of Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital Emergency Medicine and Patient Admission Clinic Aleksejs Višņakovs at a meeting of the government.
Chief of Latvia’s State Police Armands Ruks mentioned in a statement to the press that police will deal with hateful comments, persecution and threats aimed at medical workers, police officers, security guards, state officials and journalists.
Višņakovs said medical workers experience actual terror almost every day. «The general impression is that nothing is done to put an end to the terror caused by poorly education and poorly mannered people from stalking hospital perimeters with video cameras and then uploading the footage on the internet with a voice-over, telling viewers there is no Covid-19 or patients and that all this is just a bluff. These people threaten medical workers and stalk them,» LTV cites Višņakovs’ words.
Terror against doctors over Covid-19; Latvian State Police promise to step in