With Covid-19 infection rates on a rise, 16% of interviewed Latvian residents say they regularly feel powerless and hopeless (2% say the feeling is constant and 14% experience it often), according to results of the Stress Thermometer survey by Benu Aptieka and Gemius.
Compared to results of the survey performed in March, the situation has improved somewhat, because in spring every fourth (25%) Latvian resident said he or she regularly feel powerless or hopeless. The situation is especially awful with youngsters aged 18 to 24 years, because 35% of them mentioned in the survey they often feel powerless and hopeless. 29% of respondents say they feel hopeless and powerless sometimes, 27% feel hopeless and powerless rarely, 24% – never, 4% of respondents could not provide a clear answer.
Men are overcome with the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness more often then women, according to data for the last 12 months. The aforementioned feelings are experienced by 18% of men (3% constantly, 15% often) and 15% of women (1% constantly, 14% often). In March the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness was experienced by 29% of women and 21% of men.
Looking at the age of respondents, the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness is experienced the most often by youngsters aged 18 to 24 years. 35% of representatives of this group battle these states on a regular basis. Residents aged 55 to 74 years experience the aforementioned states the least often (2% – constantly, 9% – often).
13-16% of respondents in other age groups feel powerless or hopeless.
In spring 2021 a total of 41% of respondents aged 18 to 24 years experienced the feeling of hopelessness or powerlessness (15% – constantly, 26% – often). In the 55 to 74 years group this index was 18%. In other age groups this index ranged from 22% to 28%.
A look at available data shows hopelessness and powerlessness is very common for Latvian speaking residents.
Among Russian speaking residents in Latvia the feeling of hopelessness is true for 8% of respondents, whereas among Latvian speaking residents this index is 18%. What is curious is that in April the situation was the opposite: 20% of Russian speaking residents experienced hopelessness.
Among Latvian speaking residents this state has become less common: 25% in spring and 18% in autumn.
The survey was performed with assistance from Gemius internet survey company. 1 883 respondents participated in the survey.
Survey: every seventh Latvian resident regularly feels powerless and hopeless