From 21 October to 15 November stores in Latvia that sell goods of first necessity will be allowed to open no earlier than 06:00 and close doors no later than 19:00, according to the government’s submitted amendments to the state of emergency.
During this time retail trade services will be permitted to be provided only by stores that sell goods of first necessity, pharmacies, veterinary pharmacies, book stores, petrol stations, animal feed stores, electronics stores and flower stores, as well as bus and railway stations that sell tickets for domestic routes only.
At the same time, the open hours of petrol stations and 24/7 pharmacies, tourist accommodations, Covid-19 vaccination locations, as well as public transport, freight and passenger carrying service providers, delivery, rescue and public utilities will not be limited.
Stores will be required to provide each individual shopper no less than 25 m2 of publicly available areas. No more than one person at a time will be allowed to shop in stores that are smaller than 25 m2.
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Market stalls and street vendors are permitted to sell only food products.
Sale of goods like fruit and berry bushes, ornamental and shrub planting materials, farm and domestic animals and other products will need to be coordinated with municipal administration.
It is planned to make it compulsory for market stall owners and customers to wear protective masks within open air market territory.
To receive goods ordered over phone or online will have to enter the store alone, except for persons who require assistance, disabled persons, and minors, who are required to have an adult to accompany them. Employees of stores that do not offer distance shopping will not be allowed to purchase products on behalf of customers.
Services associated with entertainment, gambling, betting, attractions (aqua parks included), and other activities will be prohibited in Latvia until 15 November.
Beautification services, welfare, active leisure, physical activities, sports, tourism (except accommodation and foreign travel), photo and video services (except photos for documents and for purposes of mass media), face-to-face consultations and group hunting will be prohibited as well.
As it is known, Latvia’s government has declared a lockdown for four weeks – from 21 October until 15 November. As the Minister of Health Daniels Pavļuts said after a meeting of the Crisis Management Council, during this period of time only stores that sell first necessity goods will allowed to stay open. Additionally a curfew will be in place between 20:00 and 05:00.
Stores in Latvia to remain open until 19:00 during curfew