With the continued spread of Covid-19 in Latvia, the Disease Prevention and Monitoring Centre (SPKC) offers recommendations as to what residents should do if they contact with an infected person, if they show symptoms or if they have signed up for a Covid-19 test.
Residents should:
limit their contacts with other people to a minimum;
limit shopping and avoid using public transports;
wait for test results.
If residents receive a positive Covid-19 test result, residents should:
stay home and maintain isolation;
contact their family members and inform them of the positive test result. If they are away at work, they should return home, because they are now persons of contact;
contact their employer and inform them of the test result;
contact their general practitioner and follow recommendations;
reduce contacts with other people to a minimum, especially people under the highest risk of infection (seniors and people suffering from chronic diseases, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, cancer, etc.);
isolation should be ceased only with permission from their doctor.
More here: https://www.spkc.gov.lv/lv/pacientiem
If residents are marked as a person of contact, this means they have increased infection risks.
Residents should closely observe their health for 14 days. If symptoms appear, residents should contact their general practitioner, who will decide on treatment.
Residents should also maintain strict quarantine at home.
From 21 October 2021 until 12 January 2022 even vaccinated persons should maintain house quarantine (avoid going to work or public places).
Other members of the household are allowed to continue their everyday lives. Nevertheless, all residents have to follow all epidemiological safety measures: wash hands, properly wear protective masks. If necessary, residents have the option to ask their general practitioner to issue a sick-leave certificate.
More here: https://www.spkc.gov.lv/lv/majas-karantina-kontaktpersonam
SPKC: what to do if you’re waiting for Covid-19 test result or if tested positive