From 11 October onward residents in Latvia who are unable to undergo Covid-19 vaccination for medical reasons may be sent by their general practitioner to a medical council so that it is possible to issue a certificate of a medical condition, as reported by National Health Service (NVD).
The medical council will issue an exemption certificate if the patient suffers anaphylaxis in response to any of the components of Covid-19 vaccine after the first injection.
After receiving the conclusion of the council, residents will be able to present it at a laboratory for Covid-19 testing. After the test, these residents will be able to access their digital certificate for Covid-19 test results at
At the same time, NVD reminds that other cases residents who show no symptoms of Covid-19 infection will have to pay for Covid-19 testing from their own wallet.
Medical councils will be organized at three university hospitals in Latvia – Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital, P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital and Children’s Clinical University Hospital (for children).
Special exemption certificates to be available to residents in Latvia