On Thursday, 2 September, members of Latvia’s Saeima will gather for this first meeting of the autumn session in person, BNN was told by Saeima press-service.
To make the meeting epidemiologically safe, it is planned for let Saeima deputies with a valid vaccination certificate gather in the Meeting Hall.
The parliament plans to review 37 topics at the 2 September meeting.
Latvia’s President Egils Levits will address deputies with a speech.
It is planned to review amendments to the Insolvency Law in the final reading. These amendments are planned to help extend insolvency administrators’ qualification period.
Amendments to the Immigration Law are also planned to be reviewed in the third reading. These amendments provide, among other things, that foreigners who have submitted an asylum seeker or alternative status request are to be provided with employment rights if the decision regarding provision of the status is not made within three months.
It is also planned to review in the final reading amendments that provide a requirement for public transport service providers to provide a certain percentage of low emission and zero emission vehicles in certain service contracts.
Deputies would review in the second reading amendments to the Law on Hunting. These amendments provide for expanding hunting zones to reduce the damages caused by wild animals.
Several new legislative drafts are planned to be submitted to Saeima committees for review. This includes amendments to the Law on Police.
Deputies will also decide on multiple collective applications, including a collective proposal on voluntary vaccination. It is also planned to decide on reduced VAT for food products, minimal wages at EUR 630 and other proposals.
There is also the issue regarding the exclusion of Aldis Gobzems from meetings of the parliament for breaching the Saeima code of ethics.
Saeima deputies to gather for a meeting in person after a twelve month break