Following the decision by Latvia’s Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development to halt Riga’s territorial planning for the foreseeable future, Mayor of Riga Mārtiņš Staķis decided to leave his political party Kustība Par!, which means he automatically leaves Attīstībai/Par! union.
Staķis explained on social media that he was attracted to Kustībā Par! political party by idealism, intellectual richness and the drive towards justice. He ran for the mayor’s post to improve life in the city, and he is «truly angered» that their closes ally – Latvijas attīstībai – «has pulled the brakes for the development of Latvia’s capital city to serve some narrow interests».
Staķis said he is said he made a mistake when deciding to form a union with Latvijas attīstībai, adding that the decision by Latvian Minster of Environment Protection and Regional Development Artūrs Toms Plešs to halt Riga’s territorial planning is unfair and unbalanced.
Years would be needed to execute the ministry’s order, and Riga’s entrepreneurs, investors and budget will suffer from it, claims Staķis.
«I have only one option to leave the union with Latvijas attīstībai. This is why I announce my leave from the party Kustība Par!,» the mayor announced, apologizing to all members who we invited to support the formation of Attīstībai/Par! Union.
He says he is «utterly sad» to leave his many like-minded people and supporters, but «living as though nothing happened and quietly accepting» that the halting of Riga’s territorial planning was legal and «not in any way related to the interests of gambling businesses would be lying to myself and my party members».
Staķis plans to continue working as chairman of Riga City Council and in the Par!/Progresīvie faction to thereby bring «changes to the city».
The Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development has halted Riga’s territorial planning for the next several years. The reason given was that the presented plans were found in breach of the law and lack balance of interests between sides involved in the development process, said minster Plešs at a press-conference.
Riga’s mayor leaves his political party