To ensure better protection, Latvia’s government decided that from 25 January 2022 onward only medical masks or FFP2 respirators will be allowed in public places, public transports, taxis and other forms of commercial passenger transport services, Ministry of Transport reminds.
This means fabric masks are no longer allowed! All previous epidemiological safety measures remain in effect.
Only children seven to 12 years of age are permitted to wear fabric masks in public transports and schools. Only children of pre-school age (under seven years), children going to kindergarten and persons with visible motor or mental problems are allowed to travel in public transports without wearing masks.
Use of respirators or medical masks in public transports, taxis and commercial passenger services is mandatory for all public transport workers that come into contact with passengers, drivers included if the driver’s cabin is not completely shielded from the rest of the vehicle.
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Previously adopted safety measures adopted for public transport services during the state of emergency remain in force. Public transport services will continue being provided in red regime – residents are not required to present a valid Covid-19 certificate.
The previously adopted requirement for Latvian large cities to organise public transport services without capacity restrictions under partially safe regime also remains in force.
Use of FFP2 respirators or medical masks is mandatory at bus and train stations.
Cabin capacity in general public transports is not allowed to exceed 80%. For final destinations outside of regional routes, if it is necessary to take on passengers the limit is set at 85%. If the passenger transport type makes it impossible to control the influx of passengers, these vehicles are required to have marked seats to ensure distancing among passengers.
The government decided that public transport providers that receive grands from municipalities, transport fare benefits will not be provided to adults who do not have a vaccination or recovery certificate. At the same time, it is decided municipalities will be able to decide on setting transport fare benefits or compensation for students of general and vocational education institutions.
Transport fare benefits remain in force for 1st and 2nd group invalids and their escorts if they use public transport services provided by national cities.
All passengers using regional bus and train services will have access to transport fare benefits from the state.
Residents in Latvia are urged to be responsible and follow the safety measures imposed in the country, as well as use public transport services only for emergencies. Whenever possible residents should travel by foot or use bicycles. It is also advised to purchase tickets online or using payment cards. It is only with the combined responsibility of all people, by following all safety measures and vaccinating, is it possible for Latvia to limit the spread of Covid-19 and return to normal life.
Reminder! Only medical masks or FFP2 respirators allowed in public places in Latvia