Housing prices in Latvia increased by 5.4% year-on-year in the third quarter of last year, which is faster than the European Union (EU) and the euro area average, according to the latest data for 26 EU member states from Eurostat.
The most rapid housing price rise is observed in Bulgaria (+16.5%), Poland (+14.4%), Hungary (+13.4%), Croatia (+12.3%), and the Netherlands (+10.3%). In Lithuania, the housing price is 8.9%, and 6.4% in Estonia.
Generally, housing prices went up 22 EU member states for which data is available. Prices went down in four countries: France (-3.5%), Finland (-2.8%), Luxembourg (-1.7%), and Germany (-0.7%).
Housing prices have increased by an average of 3.8% in EU member states. In Eurozone, prices have increased by 2.6%. In a quarterly comparison, housing prices in both the EU and Eurozone have increased by 1.4% on average in the third quarter.
Compared to the previous three months, housing prices in the third quarter went up in 24 EU member states. The most rapid rise was observed in Bulgaria (+3.9%), Portugal (+3.7%), the Netherlands (+3.6%), and Latvia (+3.5%). Housing prices in Lithuania went up 1%. A drop in prices was observed in Finland (-0.6%) and Estonia (-0.5%).
No data is available for Greece.