Precipitation and temperature fluctuations expected in Latvia this weekend

On Friday, the 21st of February, the day will pass mostly without precipitation. A precipitation zone will reach Latvia’s territory from the west in the evening. Snow and rain are expected in Kurzeme. Freezing rain is possible certain regions. Roads may become slippery as a result, as reported by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.

The wind will be slow and will blow from the south and south-east. Wind speed will go up over the course of the day, reaching 15-16 m/sec along the coast. Daytime air temperature will reach -3° C… +1° C.

On the weekend, weather will be partly cloudy. On Saturday night and day, as precipitation zones continue moving to the east, precipitation is expected in western and central regions. Weather on Sunday will be mostly dry and sunny.

While the wind is expected to be strong near the coast at night on Saturday, wind speed will go down during the day. Air temperature at night will drop to -5° C… -10° C in most of the country. Air temperature may be a couple of degrees warmer in Kurzeme, whereas in eastern parts of Latvia air temperature may fall as far as -10° C.

At the beginning of next week, weather will be dry. However, clouds will bring precipitation around the middle of the week. Air temperature will go up and air temperature in many parts of the country will stay at above 0° C. As air temperature increases, snow will be replaced by wet snow and rain, meteorologists say.