Police in Latvia have detained a pastor of the Riga St. Albert Roman Catholic Church, as confirmed by the State Police.
Police invite anyone with information that could benefit the investigation to contact the police. Members of the church, parents who suspect their children having been victims of possible sexual violence should report whatever information they have by calling 67829204 or 110.
Because the investigation still continues, police do not provide more information about the case.
Information from the website of Riga St. Albert Roman Catholic Church indicates that there are three practising members of the clergy serving there: father Vitolds, father Jāzeps and the pastor of the church Krišjānis Dambergs.
This isn’t the first time in recent years when a priest in Latvia is accused of sexual crimes. The viewing of the case involving Diocese of Rezekne Aglona priest Pāvels Zeiļa will be continued by Riga City Court on the 12th of May.
Last year Latvijas Radio reported that a priest of Talsi Baptist Church, who was also the manager of Talsi Social Service several years ago, is suspected of sexual crimes.
Also read: Official involved in scandalous Latvian army food procurement dismissed
Police detain pastor on suspicion of sexual violence against a child