Factions in the 14th Saeima have delegated their management, according to information provided to the Praesidium.
Ainars Latkovskis was picked as the leader of New Unity’s faction in the 14th Saeima. Agnese Krasta was picked as his advisor.
The Union of Greens and Farmers picked Viktors Valainis as their Saeima faction chairman and Augusts Brigmanis as vice-chairman.
The Combined List picked Edgars Tavars as their faction chairman in the 14th Saeima. Māris Kučinskis and Juris Viļums will serve as vice-chairman.
National Alliance picked Raivis Dzintars and their Saeima faction chairman with Jānis Dombrava as vice-chairman.
For Stability! picked Aleksejs Rosļikovs as their faction chairman and Svetlana Čulkova as the vice-chairperson in the Saeima.
Progressive Party picked Kaspars Briškens as chairman and Atis Švinka and Jana Simanovska as vice-chairmen of the faction in the Saeima.
Latvia in First Place picked Ainārs Šlesers as the chairman of the party’s faction and Kristaps Krištopans as the vice-chairman.
Also read: 14th Saeima Praesidium to consist of three potential coalition and two opposition members
Parties announce their faction leaders in 14th Saeima